Exploring men’s mental health

Men and boys are all individuals with different circumstances, personalities, strengths, and challenges. However, as a collective, we know that men’s mental health is a topic that requires specific attention. This is, in part, because men and boys were traditionally taught to “toughen-up” and not being seen as “too emotional”. Society often still pushes men […]

How to have a conversation about maintaining positive mental health

One of the most important conversations you may ever have could be with someone facing a mental health problem or mental health crisis. Building a genuine connection with a person by listening, empathising, and offering support can improve the immediate situation and provide the starting point for further help seeking. Click Here To Read The […]

Why is Self-Care Important when Helping Others?

When offering support or helping others it may be tempting to ignore our own self-care. This is especially true if your working, family or social life includes regularly caring for others. In our desire to always be there for the people we care about, we can forget to turn that compassion inward. However, self-care is […]

Things to Consider when Providing Mental Health First Aid to Others

Data released by the ABS suggest that there has never been a better time to either learn or refresh your mental health first aid conversation skills. The release of the National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing 2021 [1]) indicates that 3.4 million Australians aged 16-85 years (17.5%) sought help from a health professional for […]